Tue, 03/30/2021
The AFRICA BUSINESS DAY is the largest annual platform in Switzerland for doing business in and with Africa. Under the patronage of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO and organized by the Swiss-African Business Circle, the event brings together CEOs, managing directors, country managers, business development managers, export managers, bankers, investors, government official and representatives of Swiss and African Embassies/Missions to exchange on issues that affect them directly in their day-to-day business.
The 2023 edition will again be organized as a hybrid event, allowing for in-person exchanges as well as for company representatives based across different regions to participate and network virtually. We are expecting over 300 participants, representing a variety of sectors, from more than 30 countries. African Embassies will also have desks in the physical exhibition area to present trade and investment opportunities in their respective countries.
The next edition of the Africa Business Day will take place on June 20, 2023 at the Trafo Event Center in Baden.
More information can be found on the SABC website,
The theme of the morning sessions will center around ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance), with sectorial and thematic breakout sessions and roundtables in the afternoon. ESG has evolved to become a core pillar of corporate strategy and management. At the same time, the role of business in society has evolved over time both for companies and investors. From a segregated approach of corporate philanthropy or Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in the 1980’s all the way to a modern, holistic business with purpose and shared value approach, putting ESG elements at the center of corporate activities. How do companies shape, contribute and respond to an innovative, credible, impactful ESG approach? In addition to standards and regulatory requirements, what is the key to implementing and measuring ESG? What role and responsibilities do SME’s have in all of this and what are the opportunities? 
The World Chambers Congress
The World Chambers Congress on the other hand is a unique business dialogue aimed at promoting Chamber Innovations and providing opportunity for chambers to present their projects. This event is jointly organised by the International Chamber of Commerce that represents more than 45 million companies in over 130 countries; The World Chambers Federation, a unique global forum connecting, leading and inspiring the global network of chambers with activities and projects involving local, regional, national, bilateral, and transnational chambers from all over the world—extending into 120+ countries and, The Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services (CCIG),  fully independent from the Swiss state and providing a voice to businesses when working with government authorities.
The World Chambers Congress will take place in June, 21-23 at the Palexpo in Geneva.
Details on exhibition plus other relevant information can be found at;