Diaspora News & Updates

1. WEBINAR ON EXPORT/IMPORT TO SWITZERLAND (EU): Due to growing need by members of the diaspora to engage in importation of products (Food & Non-Food items) to Switzerland, in additional to challenges faced in documentation, processes etc, the Mission is planning to host a webinar dedicated exclusively to provide information in this very important area. An array of stakeholders shall be invited to share technical information plus current/previous importers sharing their own experiences in the export/import of goods. Consultations in preparation are underway and dates and timelines shall be communicated soon.

2. DIASPORA SERVICES: Creation of Ministry Zonal Offices on land maters: The Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development in coordination with the Diaspora Desk at the Statehouse, has set up “Ministry Zonal Offices” (MZOs) with the purpose of providing direct services to the Diaspora through zonal decentralized structures in different parts of the country. The MZOs handles inquiries and provides such other services related to land matters, previously available only at the Ministry of Lands Headquarters.

A toll-free line 080010004; a public portal www.nlis.go.ug; a website www.mlhud.go.ug  shall serve as additional access platforms.

3. ANNUAL GENERAL ASSEMBLYThe members of the Association of Ugandans Living in Switzerland over the weekend of 8th July held their first Annual General Assembly (AGA) in five years since the advent of COVID-19. No activities took place in more than two years as the epidemic ravaged the world resulting in restrictions to gatherings. The AGA witnessed the election of a new executive committee of 11 strong ladies and gentlemen that shall steer & lead the Association for the next two years. New offices of mobilization, culture & entertainment and IT will for the first time be part of the executive. Prior executive committees had only four members:  The President & Vice President, Treasurer and the General Secretary. The event attracted more than 50 members of the diaspora enjoying BBQ with lots of food and drink to serve.