Compendium of Diaspora

Diaspora Investment

In a bid to promote Diaspora Investment, a Compendium of Investment and Business Opportunities in Uganda that details cost estimates of starting up businesses in different sectors in the country was produced by the Uganda Investment Authority (UIA) with UNDP’s financial and technical support under the project “Capacity Building for Strengthening Diaspora Resource Mobilization and Utilization”. It aims to inform Ugandans in the diaspora about the existing investment opportunities in all sectors, and the legal requirements of starting and operating a business successfully. A 2024/2025 Compendium is already out and available for members to review. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has widely circulated the Compendium to Ugandans living abroad and to foreign missions in a bid to sensitize and to support the Diaspora on actual investment opportunities back home.

The Uganda Investment Authority has also compiled a number of Diaspora success stories, from health sector to corporate businesses, Agro-Businesses, hotel enterprises and many more. These success stories serve as a point of reference as well as an encouragement and example to those that still have fear to invest back home.

In addition, MOFA has, in conjunction with partners and other stakeholders like FAO, UIA, Min of Agriculture and various Financial Institutions been able to organize online discussions, webinars and conferences to further disseminate information, discus available investment opportunities as well as show-case active diaspora ventures, highlighting both the success and challenges.

The Ministry of Agriculture in a 2021 conference with the diaspora expressed their willingness to work with the diaspora and promised to soon come up with a compendium of agrobusiness bankable projects to the diaspora.

The Permanent Mission of Uganda in Geneva shall continue engaging with the Diaspora to ensure that they are in line with strategic goals in the advancement and promotion of Trade, Investment and Tourism. The Mission shall also be supportive of both group and individual Diaspora proposals channelled for the purposes of socio-economic development.

The Mission is working together with the diaspora and has held several meeting in 2023/2024, most notably with the Minister of Health, Hon Ruth Acheng and with the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hon Odongo Jeje. The diaspora founded  Investment forum, UGIIS has already held a number of webinars with financial institutions (banks) and the Uganda Investment Authority to further highlight and create awareness regarding the existence of the diverse opportunities to invest in and the possible financial support from these institutions.

Further detailed information on bankable projects and how to initiate and invest can be found found in this link below: