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National ID



The Mission does not currently register nationals for the Ugandan ID.

The Uganda Embassies that offer this service in Europe at the moment are:

The Uganda National Identification Card is a National document that is issued to all and only citizens of Uganda of or above the age of 18 years. The Card is a bio-metrically enhanced, machine readable card with digitally embedded information about the holder. One's information can ONLY be accessed by law. The holder is required or encouraged to carry it as a means of confirming their identity where the need arises. The identification system uses bio-metric techniques such as the fingerprint and facial recognition to confirm the identity of the card holder

Every Ugandan citizen has the right to have National Identity card and registration is not delegate-able. Mass registration started across the country in 2015 and every citizen is required to register in their respective place of birth or residence to enable the process of information gathering.

Please note that this application cannot be done online. Every applicant must register for their Identity Card in person and collect it in person. The major safeguards when you enrol for an identity card will be your finger prints, facial features, etc. No one can be able to capture your fingerprints in your absence.

New security features of the National ID

Many of the design features on your identity card comply with international standards so that it can even be used as a travel document within the East African Region. The card has a card number printed on it as well as a unique National Identification Number (NIN). The card contains different security features and your personal information including names, signature, photo, and fingerprints among others as illustrated.

Uganda citizenship is a question of law and fact. For one to be issued with a National Identification Number (NIN) and National Identity Card, they must be verified and approved as citizens of Uganda. Different types of citizenship (birth/descent, naturalization/registration, Dual Citizen) may call for different documents to prove different facts as maybe required under Uganda citizenship laws. Please present documents as per the kind of citizenship you hold:

1) Citizens by birth/descent

Citizens of Uganda by birth must present the following requirements:

Copy of National ID of both or either parent (if parents are alive)
A certified copy of a birth certificate
Ugandan Passport

In the absence of the above, attach the following:

  • Recommendation letter from LC 1 chairman stating clearly that applicant is known indicating,
    • Applicant's names
    • Details of parents
    • period of stay in LC1 locality
    • Tribe and clan
    • The letter should be signed with official stamp of LC1 Chairperson (include Telephone contact) and GISO/DISO
  • Identification bearing applicant's photo

2) Dual Citizenship

  • Certified copy of certificate of Dual Citizenship
  • Passport of current country of residence

3) Citizens by Registration

  • Certified copy of Certificate of Citizenship by registration issued by National Citizenship and Immigration Control Board (NCIB).
  • Identification bearing applicant's photo.

4) Naturalization

  • Certified copy of Certificate of Naturalization as Ugandan issued by NCIB
  • Identification bearing applicant's photo


Citizens of Uganda in Switzerland can make an online appointment to register at the Mission. Please make a call to schedule an appointment. Please provide a reliable call-back number. Please note that the applicant must appear in person for the interview and registration process.

In preparation for your Citizenship enrolment, if you are Ugandan by descent you will need to know a number facts about your own birth, origin in Uganda, residence, ethnicity and similar details concerning your parents,

All applicants are advised to prepare the following information that is required to fill the Enrolment Form, (with all necessary supporting documents If readily available);

  • Full name of the applicant
  • Residential address
  • Date of birth
  • Place of birth
  • Indigenous community/tribe to which the applicant belongs
  • Place of origin
  • Occupation/profession
  • Spouse's name
  • Parents name, nationality, tribe and clan

Documents such as Marriage Certificates and/or Baptism Cards are not compulsory at Registration but may be used in the absence of other primary documents.


In the event that your citizenship status is in doubt, you will be required at a later time, to prove beyond reasonable doubt that you are indeed a citizen of Uganda, by appearing before a citizenship verification committee. Citizenship verification Committees have been established at the Sub County and District level. There is also a National Appeals Committee Constituted by the NIRA, mandated to carry out the National ID Exercise.


The process is absolutely free. The Registration form and the Extra Spouse forms are free-NOT FOR SALE but cannot be downloaded online. The National Identity Card shall be issued free of charge for the first time but a fee shall be levied upon replacement.

At renewal; 10 years after Card Issuance, change of particulars, loss or damage of the National Identity Card, you may be required to pay a fee.


After enrolment, you will retain two copies of the Enrolment form. You will present a copy of the Enrolment Form at the Enrolment Centre at the time you are contacted by the Mission to pick up your card. Please note that your card MUST be picked up in person.


This service is available to persons who have made changes in their civil status. These changes include; change of name after marriage, change of location, change of name and others. Please allow a period of Information update.  Applicants will be required to come with a document or a combination of any of the following documents depending on the type of change: -

  • Marriage certificate
  • Deed poll
  • School leaving certificates
  • Statutory Declarations
  • Divorce certificates
  • Payment receipt
  • Any other as the case maybe.


Upon registration as a citizen of Uganda, you become a legally recognized citizen of Uganda and certain duties, responsibilities and rights accrue;

  • You will be able to assert yourself as a citizen of Uganda;
  • Perform the duties as required of a citizen;
  • You will easily access Government services such as health care, free education such as U.P.E. U.S.E, government sponsorship at tertiary institution level, employment within the public civil service and private sector.
  • You will exercise your right to vote in the parliamentary and presidential elections with more authority.
  • Right to a Ugandan passport will be easy to demonstrate.


The National Identity Card will;

a) Facilitate the delivery of national development based on reliable &verifiable data:

  • Enable Government plan properly and provide easy access to good social facilities & services
  • benefiting from the National Health System and school capitation grants based on verifiable identities and data at the local level.
  • Facilitate more transparent and trust worthy business transactions
  • Help keep crime low in our communities with quick and reliable identification of criminals
  • Guarantee the unique association "one-document/one-identity" in the delivery of services, e.g., driver licensing, passports, voting process, business transactions, etc.
  • Help secure properties, title deeds & assets

b) Facilitate Regional and International integration based on verifiable and reliable data:

  • Support for regional integration (protocols for movement across the region).
  • Conform to International obligations as a base document for issuance of the new East African Community E-Passport
  • The processes are designed to eliminate false identity attempts by individuals, whether at the bank, university admissions etc.

Key services targeted to be integrated following the implementation of the National ID:

  • Public Safety & Security Services
  • Passport Processing & Issuance
  • Immigration Services - legal residence & border crossing/ checks
  • Uganda Revenue Authority - effective taxation targeting
  • NSSF- social security benefits delivery
  • National Health Service & Hospitals Delivery - NHIS & patient management
  • Electoral Process Enhancement - voter list generation & voter verification (Smart elections) - the National Identity Card is also a pre-requisite for National Elections as a voting requirement
  • Financial Institutions/Banks - secure and undoubted verification system in order to access financial services
  • Births & Deaths Registration - improved child security
  • Driver & Vehicle Licensing - validation & de-duplication
  • Hospitality & Tourism Services
  • Schools & Universities Examinations / Admissions System
  • Public Service - employee verification
  • Employment Generation - youth employment schemes
  • No Ugandan citizen can access a school for his/her child without proof of Identification using the National Identity Card